Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's been forever !

It's been over a year since I've blogged. I'm so sorry too keep you all waiting ! I know you really weren't, but a girl can dream right ? So, let's catch up ! I've been living the "life" you could say. I have a great family and eighth grade is good ! What more could you ask for ? I have a great dog and I've picked up a new instrument. I'm going too Disney this February and I'm sure you'll be glad to hear, that last summer I did go to the beach. I hung out with my best friends and everything has been peachy keen. But where's the catch ? Algebra 2 has gotten me into a hole. I'm failing the class and I'm so nervous. The highschoolers tower over me ! Wait wait wait. Did you say highschoolers ? Yes. I did. But aren't you only in 8th grade ? Why are there highschoolers in your class ? I'm in the advanced College Prep Algebra 2 class where I have too take a midterm and a final like them and compete with my whole life. I'm so stressed out. Don't worry ! I've got a tutor ! I didn't get much for Christmas, just some little trinkets, but I didn't really ask for anything. I've acquired the taste for music set in music box setting. No. I didn't acquire it. I was raised with musical snow globes that just made life seem so amazing. Wow. I'm jumping all over the place. Back to the point. I've been reading your journals ! [: So much fun too catch up on all of the things you guys are doing ! And I hope you're still reading this long and boring post. I will be taking pictures for my blog, just haven't gotten myself together too really look nice for a photo. Haa, my hair. I'll try and update you more often.